성규의 얇고 넓은 지식

로그 레벨이 DEBUG 일 때 httpclient 라이브러리를 사용하면
DEBUG 코드가 잔뜩 나오게 된다.

log4j.category.org.apache.cactus = WARN, cactus

# Don't show debug logs for HttpClient
log4j.category.org.apache.commons.httpclient = WARN, cactus
log4j.category.httpclient = WARN, cactus

log4j.properties 에 위와 같이 추가를 하면 debug 코드를 안볼 수 있다.

Posted by SSG911

솔라리스에서 ps -ef | grep <검색어> 를 하게 되면 프로세스가 중간에 짤린다..

대체 방안으로

/usr/ucb/ps - auxww | grep <검색어>

으로 프로세스가 짤리지 않고 모두 볼 수 있다.
Posted by SSG911

## SQL To convert a site from latin1 to UTF8
## In this case all columns were already set to UTF8, but the data inside them was latin1
## If you have proper latin1 text in a latin1 database then you should only need to use
## the last two commands for each column, and can erase the initial re-casting as latin1

# post_content
alter table wp_posts change post_content post_content LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_content post_content LONGBLOB;
alter table wp_posts change post_content post_content LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8;
# post_title
alter table wp_posts change post_title post_title TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_title post_title BLOB;
alter table wp_posts change post_title post_title TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8;
# post_excerpt
alter table wp_posts change post_excerpt post_excerpt TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_excerpt post_excerpt BLOB;
alter table wp_posts change post_excerpt post_excerpt TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8;
# post_status
alter table wp_posts change post_status post_status VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_status post_status VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_posts change post_status post_status VARCHAR(20) character set utf8;
# wp_posts comment_status
alter table wp_posts change comment_status comment_status VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_posts change comment_status comment_status VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_posts change comment_status comment_status VARCHAR(20) character set utf8;
# ping_status
alter table wp_posts change ping_status ping_status VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_posts change ping_status ping_status VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_posts change ping_status ping_status VARCHAR(20) character set utf8;
# post_password
alter table wp_posts change post_password post_password VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_password post_password VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_posts change post_password post_password VARCHAR(20) character set utf8;
# post_name
alter table wp_posts change post_name post_name VARCHAR(200) character set latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_name post_name VARBINARY(200);
alter table wp_posts change post_name post_name VARCHAR(200) character set utf8;
# wp_posts to_ping
alter table wp_posts change to_ping to_ping TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1;
alter table wp_posts change to_ping to_ping BLOB;
alter table wp_posts change to_ping to_ping TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8;
# wp_posts pinged
alter table wp_posts change pinged pinged TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1;
alter table wp_posts change pinged pinged BLOB;
alter table wp_posts change pinged pinged TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8;
# post_content_filtered
alter table wp_posts change post_content_filtered post_content_filtered TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_content_filtered post_content_filtered BLOB;
alter table wp_posts change post_content_filtered post_content_filtered TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8;
# guid
alter table wp_posts change guid guid VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_posts change guid guid VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_posts change guid guid VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# post_type
alter table wp_posts change post_type post_type VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_type post_type VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_posts change post_type post_type VARCHAR(20) character set utf8;
# post_mime_type
alter table wp_posts change post_mime_type post_mime_type VARCHAR(100) character set latin1;
alter table wp_posts change post_mime_type post_mime_type VARBINARY(100);
alter table wp_posts change post_mime_type post_mime_type VARCHAR(100) character set utf8;


# comment_author
alter table wp_comments change comment_author comment_author TINYTEXT character set latin1;
alter table wp_comments change comment_author comment_author TINYBLOB;
alter table wp_comments change comment_author comment_author TINYTEXT character set utf8;
# comment_author_email
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_email comment_author_email VARCHAR(100) character set latin1;
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_email comment_author_email VARBINARY(100);
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_email comment_author_email VARCHAR(100) character set utf8;
# comment_author_url
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_url comment_author_url VARCHAR(200) character set latin1;
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_url comment_author_url VARBINARY(200);
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_url comment_author_url VARCHAR(200) character set utf8;
# comment_author_ip
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_ip comment_author_ip VARCHAR(100) character set latin1;
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_ip comment_author_ip VARBINARY(100);
alter table wp_comments change comment_author_ip comment_author_ip VARCHAR(100) character set utf8;
# comment_content
alter table wp_comments change comment_content comment_content text character set latin1;
alter table wp_comments change comment_content comment_content BLOB;
alter table wp_comments change comment_content comment_content text character set utf8;
# comment_approved
alter table wp_comments change comment_approved comment_approved VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_comments change comment_approved comment_approved VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_comments change comment_approved comment_approved VARCHAR(20) character set utf8;
# comment_agent
alter table wp_comments change comment_agent comment_agent VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_comments change comment_agent comment_agent VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_comments change comment_agent comment_agent VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# comment_type
alter table wp_comments change comment_type comment_type VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_comments change comment_type comment_type VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_comments change comment_type comment_type VARCHAR(20) character set utf8;
# comment_subscribe
alter table wp_comments change comment_subscribe comment_subscribe ENUM('Y','N') CHARACTER SET utf8 not null default 'N';


# commentmeta meta_key
alter table wp_commentmeta change meta_key meta_key VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_commentmeta change meta_key meta_key VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_commentmeta change meta_key meta_key VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# commentmeta meta_value
alter table wp_commentmeta change meta_value meta_value LONGTEXT character set latin1;
alter table wp_commentmeta change meta_value meta_value LONGBLOB;
alter table wp_commentmeta change meta_value meta_value LONGTEXT character set utf8;

ALTER TABLE wp_commentmeta CHARACTER SET utf8;

# link_url
alter table wp_links change link_url link_url VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_url link_url VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_links change link_url link_url VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# link_name
alter table wp_links change link_name link_name VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_name link_name VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_links change link_name link_name VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# link_image
alter table wp_links change link_image link_image VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_image link_image VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_links change link_image link_image VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# link_target
alter table wp_links change link_target link_target VARCHAR(25) character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_target link_target VARBINARY(25);
alter table wp_links change link_target link_target VARCHAR(25) character set utf8;
# link_description
alter table wp_links change link_description link_description VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_description link_description VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_links change link_description link_description VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# link_visible
alter table wp_links change link_visible link_visible VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_visible link_visible VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_links change link_visible link_visible VARCHAR(20) character set utf8 not null default 'Y';
# link_rel
alter table wp_links change link_rel link_rel VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_rel link_rel VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_links change link_rel link_rel VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# link_notes
alter table wp_links change link_notes link_notes MEDIUMTEXT character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_notes link_notes MEDIUMBLOB;
alter table wp_links change link_notes link_notes MEDIUMTEXT character set utf8;
# link_rss
alter table wp_links change link_rss link_rss VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_links change link_rss link_rss VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_links change link_rss link_rss VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;


# option_name
alter table wp_options change option_name option_name VARCHAR(64) character set latin1;
alter table wp_options change option_name option_name VARBINARY(64);
alter table wp_options change option_name option_name VARCHAR(64) character set utf8;
# option_value
alter table wp_options change option_value option_value LONGTEXT character set latin1;
alter table wp_options change option_value option_value LONGBLOB;
alter table wp_options change option_value option_value LONGTEXT character set utf8;
# wp_options autoload
alter table wp_options change autoload autoload VARCHAR(20) character set latin1;
alter table wp_options change autoload autoload VARBINARY(20);
alter table wp_options change autoload autoload VARCHAR(20) character set utf8;


# wp_postmeta meta_key
alter table wp_postmeta change meta_key meta_key VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_postmeta change meta_key meta_key VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_postmeta change meta_key meta_key VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# wp_postmeta meta_value
alter table wp_postmeta change meta_value meta_value LONGTEXT character set latin1;
alter table wp_postmeta change meta_value meta_value LONGBLOB;
alter table wp_postmeta change meta_value meta_value LONGTEXT character set utf8;


# wp_terms name
alter table wp_terms change name name VARCHAR(200) character set latin1;
alter table wp_terms change name name VARBINARY(200);
alter table wp_terms change name name VARCHAR(200) character set utf8;
# wp_terms slug
alter table wp_terms change slug slug VARCHAR(200) character set latin1;
alter table wp_terms change slug slug VARBINARY(200);
alter table wp_terms change slug slug VARCHAR(200) character set utf8;


# wp_term_taxonomy taxonomy
alter table wp_term_taxonomy change taxonomy taxonomy VARCHAR(32) character set latin1;
alter table wp_term_taxonomy change taxonomy taxonomy VARBINARY(32);
alter table wp_term_taxonomy change taxonomy taxonomy VARCHAR(32) character set utf8;
# wp_term_taxonomy description
alter table wp_term_taxonomy change description description LONGTEXT character set latin1;
alter table wp_term_taxonomy change description description LONGBLOB;
alter table wp_term_taxonomy change description description LONGTEXT character set utf8;

ALTER TABLE wp_term_taxonomy CHARACTER SET utf8;

# term_relationships has no encoded content, but switch carset anyway
ALTER TABLE wp_term_relationships CHARACTER SET utf8;

# wp_usermeta meta_key
alter table wp_usermeta change meta_key meta_key VARCHAR(255) character set latin1;
alter table wp_usermeta change meta_key meta_key VARBINARY(255);
alter table wp_usermeta change meta_key meta_key VARCHAR(255) character set utf8;
# wp_usermeta meta_value
alter table wp_usermeta change meta_value meta_value LONGTEXT character set latin1;
alter table wp_usermeta change meta_value meta_value LONGBLOB;
alter table wp_usermeta change meta_value meta_value LONGTEXT character set utf8;


# user_login
alter table wp_users change user_login user_login VARCHAR(60) character set latin1;
alter table wp_users change user_login user_login VARBINARY(60);
alter table wp_users change user_login user_login VARCHAR(60) character set utf8;
# user_pass
alter table wp_users change user_pass user_pass VARCHAR(64) character set latin1;
alter table wp_users change user_pass user_pass VARBINARY(64);
alter table wp_users change user_pass user_pass VARCHAR(64) character set utf8;
# user_nicename
alter table wp_users change user_nicename user_nicename VARCHAR(50) character set latin1;
alter table wp_users change user_nicename user_nicename VARBINARY(50);
alter table wp_users change user_nicename user_nicename VARCHAR(50) character set utf8;
# user_email
alter table wp_users change user_email user_email VARCHAR(100) character set latin1;
alter table wp_users change user_email user_email VARBINARY(100);
alter table wp_users change user_email user_email VARCHAR(100) character set utf8;
# user_url
alter table wp_users change user_url user_url VARCHAR(100) character set latin1;
alter table wp_users change user_url user_url VARBINARY(100);
alter table wp_users change user_url user_url VARCHAR(100) character set utf8;
# user_activation_key
alter table wp_users change user_activation_key user_activation_key VARCHAR(60) character set latin1;
alter table wp_users change user_activation_key user_activation_key VARBINARY(60);
alter table wp_users change user_activation_key user_activation_key VARCHAR(60) character set utf8;
# wp_users display_name
alter table wp_users change display_name display_name VARCHAR(250) character set latin1;
alter table wp_users change display_name display_name VARBINARY(250);
alter table wp_users change display_name display_name VARCHAR(250) character set utf8;


'프로그래밍 > MySQL' 카테고리의 다른 글

MYSQL charset 확인방법 및 변경  (0) 2010.11.25
Posted by SSG911

mysql> show variables like '%char%';



mysql> SET character_set_client = euckr;
mysql> SET character_set_results = euckr;
mysql> SET character_set_connection = euckr;

mysql> SET character_set_database = euckr;

mysql> SET character_set_filesystem = euckr;

mysql> SET character_set_server = euckr;
mysql> commit;

'프로그래밍 > MySQL' 카테고리의 다른 글

MYSQL UTF8 으로 변환하는 방법  (0) 2010.11.26
Posted by SSG911

톰켓을 죽여도 프로세스가 계속 남아있는 경우가 있다.

이유는 아직 쓰레드가 돌아가고 있는 것이 있기 때문이다.

그 쓰레드가 죽으면 톰켓 프로세스도 사라지게 된다.


이런거 다 무시하고 톰켓을 shutdown 할때 톰켓 프로세스를 확실히 죽이는 방법


1. catalina.sh 에 CATALINA_PID 추가.

catalin.sh 에 CATALINA_PID=/usr/local/tomcat/logs/tomcat.pid 를 추가한다.

이는 톰켓 프로세스를 뛰우면서 자신의 PID 를 파일에 저장하는 기능을 한다.


2. shutdown.sh 수정

shutdown.sh 을 보면 마지막에

exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" stop "$@"

이라는 부분이 있다.

exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" stop - force "$@"

로 변경해준다.

이는 톰켓을 죽일때 1번 항목에서 생성한 tomcat.pid 를 참조해 자신의 프로세스 아이디를 kill -9 로 죽이는 기능까지 하게 된다.

Posted by SSG911

web.xml 의 error-page 를 설정했는데도 지정된 파일로 이동이 안될경우에는 이동되는 파일에
을 추가한다.
Posted by SSG911